closer look at the carbonyl group
of metal-carbonyls
In 1890 Ludwig Mond, investigating the unusually rapid corrosion of nickel valves used in apparatus for the industrially important Solvay process, reported a new compound, Ni(CO)4. This appears to be the first metalcarbonyl to be isolated. Whilst nickel compounds usually are green coloured solids, tetracarbonylnickel is a colourless, volatile liquid with a very "organic character". Also this compound is very toxic. These facts made Ludwig Mond investigate this coumpound thoroughly. He used it as the basis of a method to purify nickel, called the "Mond process".
Carbon monoxide is a ligand that forms complexes with most transition metals, "metal carbonyls". Although carbon monoxide is not a strong Lewis base, it does form strong bonds to transition metals. The carbonyl group is much used in organometallic syntheses because it forms metal carbonyls which are useful starting materials for other organometallics. To consider why carbon monoxide forms such strong bonds let's look at it structure and keybonding orbitals:
The grey orbitals are occupied and the blank one's are empty. (Filled orbital within cloud is not shown)
The carbon monoxide molecule is taken as bonding through a lone pair of electrons located in an sp hybrid orbital on carbon. This filled * antibonding molecular orbital can donate an electron to the metal atom to form a sigma bond. The empty * antibonding orbitals of the carbon monoxide are available to accept electrons from suitable orbitals on the metal as shown below. Evidence for this comes from measurements of bondlengths and bondorders.
This animated picture shows the different steps of the C-O bonding proces.
Normal donation of lone pairs on the ligand to empty orbital on the metal (usually one of the tg eg: -dx2-y2) Also bonding is possible between full orbitals on the metal (t2g eg: dxy, tzy) to empty * orbitals on the carbon monoxide. This back bonding (also known as synergistic bonding) has two effects:
1. It strengthens the M-C bond.
2. The presence of extra electron density in * orbital on carbon monoxide weakens the C-O bond.Carbon monoxide is an example of a -donor / -acceptor ligand.
Here is an interesting link about metal carbonyls.
To determine the structure of an (unidentified) substance, infrared spectroscopy is much used because of it's ease of use and wide application. In determining the structure of organometallics the carbonyl group is one of the most important groups to analyse for.Here are spectra of a monomer and a dimer structure containing carbonyl groups. As you can see the terminal C-O bond stretches at a higher frequency than the bridging one. Free carbon monoxide has an even higher frequency (2143 cm-1)! Consider the following equation:
E = h *
This means that the energy of a bond equals Planck's constant multiplied by the frequency of its vibration (). Now we see that the C-O bond in the terminal carbonyl group is stronger than the bond in the bridging group, how is that possible?
Carbon monoxide gas has the strongest C-O bond. Decreased C-O bond strengths (like in carbonyl groups) reflect increased electrondensity in the * orbitals. This is due to the backbonding from the metal, which increases the electron density in the * orbital of the CO ligand and weakens the C-O bond. Therefore, in a bridging carbonyl ligand, there are two metal atoms donating electrons to the carbonyl's* orbital weakening the bond even further.
Even the kind of metal makes difference in the rate of back bonding as a result of differences in diameter and electronic configuration.Besides the kind of metal there are more factors who will have a big influence on the C-O bond, like the nature of the ones attached on the metal. For example (PCl3)FeCO3 is a monomer, the PCl3 group is an electron attracting group because it is a good acceptor. Other ligands can be acceptor too which are all like PR3 (R= alkyl, aryl, halide). These molecules are shaped like ammonia, eg:- PMe3, PPh3, PPh2Et, PPh2Cl, PCl3. These molecules have a lone pair of electrons in a sp3 hybrid orbital for -donation. Unlike ammonia, PR3 has empty 3d-orbitals (P=3s23p3) which can also accept electrons from the filled metal t2g orbitals. Other examples of acceptors are NO, N2, CR2.
The PCl3 attracts electrons more strongly than the CO group. As a result, the electron density in the carbonyls * orbitals decreases and the C-O bond becomes stronger! Here are some typical values.
There are three different methods for the preparation of metal carbonyls, the direct reaction, the reduction reaction and thedisplacement reaction.The Direct Reaction:
Here metal atoms react directly with the gaseous carbon monoxide under certain conditions. This is the most simple reaction but only works only for iron and nickel. Here's an example.The Reduction Reaction:
In this type of preparation the reaction starts with a metal salt which, added to a ligand and a reducing agent, gives the desired metal carbonyl. This reaction is also called a reductive carbonylation. These reactions involve using very high pressures and temperatures. Here are two examples:The Displacement Reaction
The reaction starts with a metal carbonyl and ends with a multi nuclear metal carbonyl. Here's an example:There are some typical metal carbonyl compounds displayed in this table.
There are four main reactions which a metal carbonyl can undergo:Carbonylate ions have a varied chemistry eg:
- Reactions with a halogen-halogen will become attached to the metal carbonyl.
- Reactions with an alkene or conjugate system eg:-displace CO in favour of organic species.
- Reactions with bases such as pyridine produces ionic products, a cationic pyridine complex and an anionic metal carbonyl.
- Sodium or mercury is added to the metal carbonyl-addition of electrons (reduction) to produce metal carbonylate ions of sodium or mercury.
Here's a diagram containing the reactions of metal carbonyls.
- Reaction with alkyl halides resulting in transfer of the R group.
- Reaction with acid to give hydrido product which can act as a catalyst.