Some typical metal carbonyls
Here are the most common metal carbonyls:
s2d4 |
s2d5 |
s2d6 |
s2d7 |
s2d8 |
V(CO)6 | Cr(CO)6 | Mn2(CO)10 | Fe(CO)5 Fe2(CO)9 Fe3(CO)12 |
CO2(CO)8 | Ni(CO)4 |
Mo(CO)6 | Tc2(CO)10 | Ru(CO)5
Ru3(CO)12 |
Rh4(CO)12 |
W(CO)6 | Re2(CO)10 | Os(CO)5
Os3(CO)12 |
Ir4(CO)12 |
NB: 1. V(CO)6 is the only paramagnetic example
2. The metals with an odd number
of electrons form unstable molecules, these will dimerise etc.