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Search The Little Magazines Project

Simple Search

Use the Simple Search to find information by either Magazine Title, Magazine Editor, Author Surname, or Indexed Title (this refers to the individual poems, essays, reviews and so on that we have catalogued so far). Your search criteria can consist of up to FOUR words.

1. Select the category
2. Enter the search criteria
3. Submit your query

Please note that the search is case insensitive. 'MAGAZINE' will return the same results as 'magazine' or 'Magazine'.

Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search if you want to find a specific Indexed Title by an Author in one of the magazines we have indexed. Your Indexed Title can consist of up to FOUR words.

1. Enter the Magazine Title:
2. Enter the Author Surname:
3. Enter the Indexed Title:
4. Submit your query

Please note that the search is case insensitive. 'MAGAZINE' will return the same results as 'magazine' or 'Magazine'.

Little Magazines Project
The Nottingham Trent University