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The Research Team

The Little Magazines Project was set up as part of English research at Nottingham Trent University, through the long-standing interests of Professor R. J. Ellis, who has since moved to the University of Birmingham, and Emeritus Professor John Lucas. Dr. David Miller, Research Fellow in English, is the Chief Investigator for the project, which also has the benefit of the research interests of Professor Stan Smith. The project operates under the general stewardship of Professor David Worrall, Project Director and Head of English Research, and is supported by a managerial team of Professor Gregory Woods and Dr. Philip Leonard, Project Leader and Project Co-Leader, respectively.

David Miller was formerly in charge of the Small Press and Little Magazines Collection at University College London. He is a poet, fiction writer and critic, whose publications include W. H. Hudson and the Elusive Paradise (Macmillan, 1990), Art and Disclosure (Stride Publications, 1998), Spiritual Letters (I-II) (Reality Street Editions, 2004), The Dorothy and Benno Stories (Reality Street, 2005), The Waters of Marah (Shearsman Books, 2005) and In the Shop of Nothing: New and Selected Poems (Harbor Mountain Press, 2007). He has published a major study of little magazines, British Poetry Magazines 1914-2000: A History and Bibliography of ‘Little Magazines’, written in collaboration with Richard Price (The British Library and Oak Knoll Press, 2006).

Stan Smith is well known for his work on W. H. Auden, including editing The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden (Cambridge University Press, 2004). He has a particular interest in recovery work in relation to little magazines, as evidenced in The Origins of Modernism: Eliot, Yeats, Pound and the Rhetorics of Renewal (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994) and in his contribution to the special Anglophone Modernism and Europe issue of Miscelánea for 1999 (which he also edited). Recent publications include Irish Poetry and the Construction of Modern Identity: Between Fantasy and History (Irish Academic Press, 2005). He is on the editorial board of the journals In-between, Critical Survey and Paideuma, as well as The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. He is also series editor of the Longman Critical Reader series and the monograph series Longman Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature.

John Lucas is a distinguished scholar whose critical writings include Moderns and Contemporaries (Harvester, 1985), Modern English Poetry (Batsford, 1986), The Radical Twenties (Five Leaves Publications, 1997, Rutger’s University Press, 1999) and Starting to Explain: Essays on Twentieth Century British and Irish Poetry (Trent Editions, 2003). He has also published several collections of poetry, including Flute Music (Smokestack Books, 2006).

Any enquiries about the project should be made to Dr. David Miller. We would especially welcome additional information about any little magazines from editors, contributors, scholars, librarians and enthusiasts.


Little Magazines Project
The Nottingham Trent University